Leaders for Excellence – L4E


» Objectives
The program aims to qualify and enable supervisors, division heads, managers and different 
leaders to apply the EFQM Excellence Model within their public and private organizations, with a focus on "Leadership" criterion in terms of enablers and results to achieve sustainable leadership excellence as per the EFQM Excellence Model, while providing role-model leadership figures.

» Pivots

1. Understanding the concept of leadership excellence, the main criterion for leadership, criterion parts and guidance points (main criterion + 5 criterion parts + 26 guidance points).

2.  Recognizing the eight fundamental concepts of excellence and the associated nine criteria (enablers + results) and how leaders apply them in practice.

3.  Applying RADAR Logic in assessing management work, how to measure targets compared to leadership results and how to put into effect the concept of (excellent leadership and outstanding results).

4.  How to set up improvement projects to realize sustainable excellence

in different areas of management and development.

5.  Identifying the stages of sustaining excellence

both at the individual and corporate levels

for management and specialized leaders.

6.  Providing a methodological and detailed definition of leadership, strategy, partnerships, processes and resources as enablers of sustainable excellence.

7.  Recognizing excellence results in terms of people and customers, society results and key results.


» Mechanism

The program is accomplished through a unique, participatory and interactive training workshop, with a number of participants not exceeding (15-20 participants spread over 3-4 roundtables) to ensure that the added value is realized, and enable participants to fully understand the concepts and criteria while concentrating on "Leadership" criterion, thus qualifying participants to apply the EFQM Model within their different organizations and supervise teams that adopt the Model.

 ◊ The following training tools will be utilized:-


A- Practical execises:

1.     Exercise on expressing the concept of excellence.

2.     Exercise on the concept of adding value for customers.

3.     Exercise on the steps of building organizational capabilities and providing services (Organizational Development Approach).

4.     Exercise on meeting success criteria through the talents/capabilities of the people.

B- Training films:

1.     Leadership film for 15 minutes.

2.     Strategy & Policies film for 13 minutes.

3.     Peoplefilm for 14 minutes.

4.     Partnerships & Resourcesfilm for 13 minutes.

5.     Processes & Servicesfilm for 13 minutes.


» Outputs

1.     Ensuring that the satisfaction of participants with the program is not less than 95% in terms of benefits and the ability to practically apply what they have learned in their work areas, noting that the theoretical presentation during the program does not exceed 40% of the total training hours.

2.     Detailed feedback reflecting the level of acquired knowledge through performing pre- and post-testing.

3.     Accredited certificate by EFQM in Brussels for each participant who attends the course (L4E attendance certificate).


» Duration

3 training days from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., or from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.